113, Anand Sapphire Satymev Vista Lane Near Gota Overbridge, Gota - Jagatpur Rd, opp, Vishwas City 7, Ahmedabad

Teeth Bonding Treatment

Tooth bonding (dental bonding) is a  that repairs a chipped, cracked, or otherwise broken tooth. It also helps with discolored teeth, gaps between the teeth, and even lengthening a tooth hat’s shorter than the rest.

The “bond” is a composite resin the takes over where your tooth broke to make it look as good as new.

Unlike a crown (used for fillings), the composite color will be similar to the color of the tooth, so it continues to look natural.

If you lost a tooth (or most of a tooth) or the tooth is severely damaged, you may favor a dental implant over bonding. Dental implants replace the tooth and root entirely with an implant and a porcelain crown.